From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Students

From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Students

Friday, February 22, 2013

Can[terbury] vs. Food

by Tyler Zeutenhorst

I probably tried a bit too hard on the title, but it was worth a shot. Last Saturday, Chicago Semester students participated in the famous Progressive Dinner. The event takes students on a culinary tour of the Canterbury Court Apartments, and gives everyone a chance to try appetizers, main courses, and desserts prepared by their fellow classmates. Participants did all the shopping themselves and hosted a come-and-go style gathering in their respective rooms. It was a fun night of fellowship, and the chefs expressed culture and creativity with their foods. We saw everything from black olive and carrot hors d’oeuvres that resembled penguins to chili with French fries in it.

Thursdays are big days for the team at Blue Sky/Freeosk. An “Eye of the Tiger” ambiance can be felt as employees mentally prepare themselves for their weekly volleyball game, which follows the workday. The office has a team in a Chicago Recreation league. The league is primarily made up of 20 and 30-year-olds and meets every Thursday night at Lincoln Park High School. My Arts in the City class usually attends art events on Thursdays, but we attended an opera that week, which was on Friday, so I was able to participate with my co-workers. It was fun interacting with everyone in an active, competitive setting. We played three close games, but lost them all. I still had a blast. Afterwards, we went to Stanley’s Kitchen and Tap to eat pizza and watch the Blackhawks game. The Hawks dominated and I got the leftover pizza. What a way to end an already enjoyable night.

Last week’s classes provided me with two field trip opportunities. My Arts in the City class toured the Art Institute of Chicago. We got the privilege of viewing original pieces from artists like Monet, Picasso and Warhol. The museum is huge; I didn’t make it through half of it. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to go again and see what else is on display. Dr. Clinton Stockwell took our Urban Planning class to Jane Addams’ Hull House Museum, which is located on the campus of UIC. There, we learned about Jane Addams, and her role in the social work field. We also learned about Hull House, which provided living and working opportunities to the many cultures that were populating Chicago.

Until next time…
Tyler Zeutenhorst

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Not So True

by Tyler Zeutenhorst

My roommate and I decided to take public transportation from the airport to our new home at Canterbury Court. We were thinking, “There’s no greater way to look like a true Chicagoan than to navigate the CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) like a pro.”  We should have been thinking, “I wonder if our bodies and luggage will be able to simultaneously fit through the revolving door at the subway’s exit.”  You know where this is going. Graham (my roommate) made it through fine; piece of cake. I, on the other hand, got stuck, sparked an unfriendly jam and practically begged for dirty looks from everyone in the neighborhood.

Hello, everyone. My name is Tyler Zeutenhorst, and I am currently a Chicagoan.

The last couple weeks have been a blast. I have had the chance to meet new people, interview for excellent internships and become oriented with this great city. It’s been a slight change of pace from that of my hometown (Orange City, Iowa). In fact, I think there are more corner pharmacies here than there are students at my school. Change is beneficial, though. This is a unique opportunity, and I look forward to the learning I’ll do here in the next 85ish days.

I am interning with a company called Freeosk, which works alongside Blue Sky Chicago, a food-marketing firm that works with samples. Freeosk is a kiosk that dispenses a free sample when a consumer scans his or her frequent-shopper card. The samples range anywhere from food to health/beauty products. I am learning a great deal from my co-workers and am enjoying the overall experience. Here is a photo of the Freeosk team.

My classes will allow me to learn by experiencing. I am taking “Arts in the City” and “Urban Planning,” along with a practicum course. So far, I have visited the Chicago History Museum, the Chicago Cultural Center and the Museum of Modern Photography. I saw an interesting exhibit at the Chicago Cultural Center entitled “Industry of the Ordinary.”  It wasn’t really ordinary. I left fairly perplexed, but I was okay with that. It was someone else’s art, not mine. Outside of class, I’ve also learned a bit about animals. Some friends and I visited the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Shedd Aquarium. Check out this crab that lives at the aquarium! 

When I haven’t been working, going to class or visiting animals, I’ve probably been eating out. There are some cheap, tasty options in the neighborhood. Oh, and speaking of those two adjectives, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t visited the Taco Bell by Wrigley Field a couple times in the middle of the night. It’s open until 5 a.m., and the trains run all night. Why not?  These ventures also exposed me to some comical street art. I guess the Addison stop forbids the consumption of fruit-filled deserts.   

I’ll be providing periodical updates on my internship, classes and city life.

Until next time…
Tyler Zeutenhorst