From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Students

From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Students

Monday, December 3, 2012

Top 5 Things To Do During Your Semester In Chicago

by Nicole Ricks

1. Blue Man Group: The Blue Man Group is this crazy weird combination of rock music, comedy, and theater. It's probably one of the coolest performances I have ever seen in my life. And if you volunteer as an usher, you get a free ticket to the show! Just call the box office. All being an usher requires is passing out programs before the show starts. Easy stuff.
2. Ghirardelli Chocolates: They give you a free piece of chocolate every time you step foot into this establishment. Enough said. And it's top notch quality deliciousness. Be sure to try their brownie sundae; it's AMAZING!

3. Lakefront Trail: There is a paved trail that runs for miles and miles and miles right along Lake Michigan. Canterbury is only 2 blocks from this. Take advantage of it! It's well lit and well traveled, so don’t be afraid to go for a run by yourself. It's stunningly beautiful to see Lake Michigan to one side of you and the Chicago skyline to the other.

4. Sprinkles Cupcakes: These are the best cupcakes your taste buds will ever have the pleasure of enjoying. Seriously. Be sure to check Sprinkles' Twitter or Facebook page before you go in though. They are always posting special deals.

5. Neighborhoods: Chicago is made up of dozens and dozens of neighborhoods. Get out of the Gold Coast and go explore some of them! Each one has its own feel and features.

Other random advice: Always look at the pamphlets on the table in the lobby of Canterbury. They advertise free things happening in Chicago. These handy dandy little pamphlets are how my friends and I found out about a lot of the adventures we experienced like Chicago Summer Dance and the Jazz Festival.

Get involved in a church. Don't put your relationship with God on the backburner during your semester in Chicago. Living in Chicago is a challenge. There are moments of temptation and heart wrenching encounters with poverty that need to be brought to the feet of Jesus and dealt with. I attended Harvest Bible Chapel during my semester and got involved in a college small group through it. Having a solid group of Christians who were committed to praying for me and experiencing life in Chicago with me was so important. Harvest is actually what I will miss most when I leave the city in a few days. It's been amazing to see the way God is at work in the city through the churches in Chicago.